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3 posts tagged with "intellij"

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Java Spring Boot Project - Part 3

· 10 min read
Preet Shah
Software Developer @ JPMC

In the previous blog post, we used Lombok to reduce boilerplate code and added CRUD operations to our Spring Boot project. In this blog post, we will write unit tests for the CRUD operations using JUnit and Mockito. We will also create API documentation using Swagger and update our codebase with exception handling.

Java Spring Boot Project - Part 2

· 9 min read
Preet Shah
Software Developer @ JPMC

In the previous blog post, we covered the initial setup of a Book Library Project using Java Spring Boot. In this blog post, we will use Lombok to simplify the creation of the Book Entity class. We will then create a repository, service, and controller class to perform CRUD operations on the Book Entity.

Using Lombok for the Book Entity

Lombok is a library that helps reduce boilerplate code in Java classes by providing annotations to generate getters, setters, constructors, and other common methods automatically. In this blog post, we will leverage Lombok to simplify the creation of the Book Entity class in our Java Spring Boot project.

Java Spring Boot Project - Part 1

· 6 min read
Preet Shah
Software Developer @ JPMC

Initial Setup for a Java Spring Boot Project

In this blog post, we will cover the initial steps to set up a Java Spring Boot project using Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA. Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java applications, providing a robust and efficient platform for developing web applications, RESTful APIs, and microservices.